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Parking at shows


John Holtz

Just thought that it was time to open another can of worms. First I would like to thank all of you for your comments on the mall show and say to Bobrr that I did not take offense to your comments. Anyway, it has been brought up with our club and some others about the parking of exhibitors vehicles at shows. I would like your opinion on whether or not we should be allowed to park next to our engines or have to park in the parking lot that is almost always all the way across the grounds from our displays. I personally think that it benefits us to have them close by, say in the event that you need a tool or a book or part that you wouldn't have just sitting on the ground or out in plain view. It has been brought up that this takes away from the antique spirit of the show and we should have to park elsewhere.

Well, thanks again and I look forward to hearing from all of you.
My sons and I like to keep our truck with our display, we can keep a tool box, gas can, planks and what ever in the truck plus it gives you a place to sit , at a big show it can get kind of tight to get in and out somtimes though.
At the shows I show at they allow parking by the display (camping as well). I would not want to have my vehicle somewhere else, same reasons as you stated. Also, at night I wouldn't want to leave my engines unattended. My vote is with you!

At our show exhibitors are allowed to park next to their display. I wouldn't want my stuff left unattended either, even though we do hire night security (dusk to dawn). Seems no matter how safe you THINK you are-if someone wants to pull some crap they will find a way!!!! Another valid reason for staying by your stuff is in the event of weather changes you don't have to run your butt off!!
I vote FOR camping and parking with your display. That way you can keep an eye on your stuff. And If you look at some of the fastest growing shows (Florida Flywheelers, Waukee IA, South Haven MI) they allow camping and parking with your display. Its just more fun that way. Patrick
I did the muzzle loading rifle, buckskin, rendezvous, "thing" for about 20 years. At all of those events we had to park our vehicles 1/8 to a 1/4 mile away. If it were rainy or the ground was wet we had to pack every thing we had in from the parking lot. That included tent, bedding (no modern "stuff") food, and fire wood.

I would like to have my "stuff" close to my trailer as well, but I do think it distracts from the nastalga of the old equipment, besides we probably ALL need the exercise.

Some shows provide a tractor to park your trailer and that makes it a lot easier. Especially if you have a motor home.

I vote to keep the vehicles away from the engines.

I'm with you on this one John! Glad didn't offend! .like everyone else says nice to have tools and anything else thats best kept close by but not out on the ground to be tripped over. soppose you could bring antique truck and have truck show too.Bobrr
Good topic: I do not display at shows where I can't park(next to or behind) my engines(all those extra needed items are in the pick up-tools-gas-tarp-ice chest-sleeping bag-pillow-pills, etc....). I also avoid displaying at those shows where they make you unload your engine. I like to leave them on the trailer for safety reasons(just another barrier for folks to cross to get "UP CLOSE" and tangled up), and it's just easier. You can't keep everybody behind the safety ropes.

Oh , don't forget your "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" .

Have a "SAFE" show season, and be careful.

Paul in Lakewood, NJ
There are valid points to both sides of this issue. The one thing that I do object to is being asked to park my truck "off site" in the exhibitor parking lot only to look around later during the day to see that that same requirement has not been made of others.
I have been attending the Berryville VA. show for over twenty years and we have always had to drop off our engines and park somewhere else. Since I have grown up with this I don't mind having my truck away from my engines; when you unload for the weekend just unload a few tools, cooler, and a some chairs and your set. I try to make sure my engine(s) is in running condition before the show and if for some reason it fails during the show then I'll try to fix it with what I brought; if not, it sits there. Engine shows are just getting too crowded to allow everyone to park their vehicles next to their displays. I would love the convenience but I just don't think it's fair to everyone else. Another way I look at it is if you charge admission for your show then you should cater to the spectators a little bit; if not then do what you want.
As a spectator i have never minded seeing someones vehicle with their engine display.
This is of course one of those threads that can go on forever because there is no "Right Answer"

All of the shows here in the MO/KAN area, allow camping with the displays and as a result, the exhibitors have become accustomed to it and resist any change.

Many of the shows here have found ways to allow the Parking/camping to co-exist with the displaying by setting up their display field "IN The Round" with parking and camping displays around the perimeter and a couple of rows of "Drop Off" displays in the center.

One show uses a road about 1/4 mile in length for engine display, with electric hook ups on both side of the road and far enough off the road to allow the exhibitors to pull in with camper/truck/moterhome and have plenty of room to leave their trailers hook up. Last year they had over 350 engines on display and every exhibitor had electricity, even for AC !

in 20 plus years in the hobby, I had never had to drop my display till the first time I went to Portland Indiana. I thought it would "Piss Me Off" but in reality once I got there and under stood the magnitude of an engine area with 3000 engines in it, I understood the reason it had to be this way.

I have since up-graded my trailer to a 6X12 enclosed one, so at night I can just stash everything in the trailer and snap on the padlocks.

"Bottom Line" we all want to show and have fun, and "all" of the shows want to put on the best show they can, so exhibitors and show officials need to work together for the benefit of the hobby.

Just my .02, "Keep the Change"
This is something that I have seen happen all too often in 22 years of attending engine shows. Where you park depends on whether or not you are a member of the club hosting the show. If the rules are NO PARKING with your display. then this should apply to everyone. But, as often is the case, You abide by the clubs rules and park outside the exhibit area. Then, look around a little later and guess who is parking with their display? club members. I guess this would be discribed as the priviledged character rule. I don't know whether or not some of these clubs notice it or not but clubs that have done this to my wife and I, Never see us again. That is my rule. If a club has a rule on parking or any other rules it should apply to everyone whether member or guest. Then no one is offended. It would be good if all clubs, when they advertise their show would make it clear as to their exibit/parking rules. Then collectors could easily decide whether to attend the show or not. No one objects to Handicapped persons as to where they park or display.
I tend to like it when shows allow limited parking near the displays. I think if you can park your truck w/in a hundred yards, that's pretty good. A little farther is OK. Most shows could accomplish this with some planning. What I can't stand, is going to shows and not being able to see the engines for all the motorhomes. Cars & trucks tucked within a short distance I can handle, fields of big white motorhomes with one engine beside the door I can't.
In keeping with my new policy of not being in the least bit antagonistic.I agree with everybody. But if I can't park right next to my exhibit. I don't exhibit.
Here in Oz it is very simple. At almost all of the shows you do not park with your display. Parking and camping is only ever a very short walk away from the engines which nobody seems to worry about, but it is what we are used to. You could not fit a vehicle inside the display areas anyway as they allow enough room for loading/unloading in the area and that's it. I carry my "show toolbox" which has enough tools in it to fix most problems. Overnight the engines are tarped over and I have not heard of any pilfering and as there are usually a lot of people camped very close buy it is not a problem. Motorhomes are not a problem as you don't see any here.

My Engine Site
I can understand why some shows make you drop your engines off and park somewhere else, but I won't show at those shows because I'm too afraid of something coming up missing at night. If they offer a place to park and camp 400 or 600 or 1000 feet away......then why not just expand the show grounds. What's the difference.......if the show takes up 15 or 20 acres, and the camping/parking takes another 20 acres....your still using 40 acres any way you look at it......if your grounds aren't big enough..maybe it's time to look for bigger grounds.

I'm NOT trying to "pick a fight"...it's just my 2 cents, Mark Congden
I think that shows that have motorhomes, trucks, and all manner of home made buggies are tacky. Looks like no planning went into them.

I have been showing for a number of years, and have never had a problem with engines or parts growing legs, and I have never heard of any theft problem in the Northwest. I'm sure it happens, but it isn't very common around here.

By the way, if I had a nickel for every one that says that they won't go to a show for this rule or that rule, I could retire.
A great thread...lots to learn here for show planners and attendees....I helped plan a new show a few years back. Instead of doing it out in the middle of a field someplace, we closed off a couple blocks of downtown and held it there...this also enclosed some parts of a town park....we had some areas that could handle parking with your exhibit, we sort of left these to the older folks, and those with health problems, the other areas could not handle parking with the display, but we had two church parking lots less than a block in either direction where you could park. While most folks prefered staying by the display, they understood the problem of space we had and were happy to park elsewhere....sure a few pissed and moaned, but most folks were plenty cool with it...one added benefit of doing the show downtown was that the ladies were able to find some shopping to do while the guys were busy petting the engines...we had a lot of folks after the show that said they enjoyed not being in the middle of nowhere in a field for a change, and several that mentioned how this was the first show that the wife did not get too cranky at....as for whatever else has been commented on in this thread...I must also say that I dont mind attending shows with the parking nearby or far away, but I get annoyed at walking past bunches of people who seem too cheap to pay for a campsite elsewhere, and just set out one crusty Briggs & Stratton next to the door under the awning behind the gas barBque of a 65 foot motorhome so they can say they are exhibitors...my two cents on the subject....Bill
Re: Parking at shows Survey Results


Display Engines: 98

Display Tractors: 2

Unspecified: 3

Park WITH Display: 77

Use Public Parking: 22

Didn't Care: 4

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